Sunday, August 30, 2009

A tad paranoid

The camera flicks on showing Adrastus in his office. The paintings are still there and he is in his usual nomex fire suit. He has a coffee mug in his hand and he sighs deeply as he leans back in his chare and throws both of his legs up on the table, one on top of the other.

I have said it before I like to work. It allows me to do stuff with my hands, and makes the time go by. But there are times when you don’t want to much time to go by. Last is the perfect example.

I had a date with Selkie so I worked extra hard, I even turned off anything that might tell me the time so the day would fly by. That kind of backfired though. My employees had left for the day but I decided to stay late and keep working because I still had a few hours until we where going to meet. It seemed like only a hour had gone by but in reality several had gone by.

I was working on a engine mount on one of my hulks when a Amarr Vengeance comes flying into my hangar. I almost craped my self when I saw it hovering over all of my ships. The fact of the pilot having to have a access code given out only by me never dawned on me. The only thing that went though my head was “O SHIT HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO PROTECT MY SHIPS?” Then the ship landed, I hid and held onto a massive wrench I was using wondering how I was going to use it to protect myself if the assailants where armed. Then I saw Selkie walk down the enbarkment ramp.

I have never felt like a bigger idiot then at that point. At that point I realized I had worked past the time we agreed to meet. I also realized at that point how big of a idiot I was being when I remembered only ships that had my pass code could get through the security field that guarded the ship hangars entrance and exit point. *Sighs and smiles* I really need to stop being so paranoid.

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