Sunday, August 30, 2009


The camera flicks on showing Adrastus in a uncharacteristically clean green nomex fire suit. His left are is in a sling and where his hand and fingers should be there is just gauss. He is sitting at his desk, there are several empty bottles of whiskey on top of piles of paper and data pads.

Have you ever had one of those days? I think I had one of those yesterday. *Looks at his arm as if to confirm what he just said.* If you have known me for more than five minutes you would know I work just as hard if not harder then anyone I employ. That can be good and bad. Good in that I earn their respect bad in that I run the same risks of getting injured that they do.

Yesterday I had a critical failure in one of my hulks engine pods. I was in a hurry due to me having to make a quota. As a result all safety precautions went out the window, me and my crew where focused on getting that pod off as quick as we could. At one point I was standing underneath the pod hitting a retaining claw with a five pound sledge hammer.

*Looks down at his arm and then back at the camera* Evidently there was a slight miss communication. I thought the pod was hooked up to a hoist that would hold it up, the pod would drop a few inches and then we could swing it out. Well the crew hadn’t finished hooking up the hoist when I dislodge the retaining claw. As a result the damn thing fell on me. Because it was partaily hooked up it only fell on my arm. Now I say only because it could have been a lot worse. Had the pod been completely unhooked it would have crushed me like a bug.

Because I choose to ignore the safety regs I had put in place, instead of loosing a few hours of productivity I lost a entire day. So the morale of the story is follow safety guidelines. And now you may be wondering why there are so many empty bottles of whiskey. Well to make a long story short, let me just say make sure your first aid medications are up to date. *Smiles and laughs* I can’t remember the last time I was that drunk.

*Gets up and walks out from behind his desk over to the camera and turns it off.*

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